Mind Maps allow you to entertain possibilities – and here is a big one!

Could Descartes famous words: “I think therefore I am” make more sense in reverse?

Maybe Yoda is closer? “Am I therefore think I”

Although a strange connection and comparison the contrast leaves me wondering what other odd combinations can encourage different thinking.

I thought of this after the “Why did Leonardo da Vinci use mirror writing?” Mind Map.

Not mirror writing this time I simply pondered the words of Descartes and looked at them in reverse.

“I think therefore I am”

To me, this speaks from ego verifying existence and sounds like it needs a giant exclamation mark at the end!

It seems a final statement; closed, almost like it is not open for discussion or contemplation?

“Am I therefore think I”

Contrast the Yoda version – and to me this speaks of consciousness being aware of the process of thinking!

Is it a subtle difference; or the same thing?

Does Yoda override Descartes?

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